We are your only Approved Fiat Van Dealer in Guernsey, all supplied direct from Fiat.
We have a great range of both Diesel and Electric Fiat Vans in stock with some very temping offers.
All of our vans come guaranteed with a Fiat Warranty.
Come and see what we have to offer 👍🏻

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Good service doesn't cost more
We are a Guernsey Family Run Business, that has been operating for 38 years and from day one we pride ourselves on our Customer Service. We give a relaxed approached, and you will receive the best experience possible whether you are buying a Car or an E-Bike or even if you are coming in for your car to be serviced.
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We have secured 15 Fiat 500 1.0 Hybrid for our stock. As new production has finished on this model.
There is a choice of 5 colours, all are £16,995 registered in 2025.
Don't miss out of Guernsey's most popular car.
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